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about Phonebook of the World Phonebook of the World came alive in 2000 and started with a couple of Dollars as a 3 page website out of an Internet Cafe in Paris. Still 100% autofinanced our site has been growing regularily .... The site can be used via many seperate URLs giving direct acces to a Continent, a Country, a large city. We follow the Logic of the Inventors of the International Phone System that have organised the World in 8 / 9 Telecom Zones Phonebook of North America.com (+I) Phonebook of Africa.com (+2) Phonebook of Europe.com (+3 or +4) Phonebook of Latin America.com (+5) Phonebook of South Asia.com (+6) Phonebook of Russia.com (+7I) Phonebook of North Asia.com (+8) Phonebook of the Middle East.com (+9) You can also acces any of the 244 Country Phonebooks directly: The Internet Adress always follows the same logic: from Phonebook of Afghanistan.com (+93) via Phonebook of Brazil.com (+55) via Phonebook of China.com (+86) via Phonebook of Djibouti.com (+253) to Phonebook of Zimbabwe.com (+263) Starting in april 2007 you will be able to access the largest cities of the World directly. the first city Phonebooks are online ... example Phonebook of Paris.com (+33 I) Phonebook of London.com (+44 20) Phonebook of Munich.com (+49 89) Phonebook of New York City.com (+I 2I2) Phonebook of San Francisco.com (+I 4I5) ... and as a little "clin d´oeil" and hallo to the future there is also a Phonebook of the Moon.com (+89) The audiance of our Phonebook websites is 100 % International with the most users beeing located on the US Pacific or Atlantic Coast around Mexico City, in Germany, Israel and France. Most people use us to find Residential Phonenumbers, Businesses or Hotels, in particular Luxury Hotels as well as general Tourist Information. We try to simplify and organise acces to the many different Phonenumber / Yellowpages Databases around the World. |