Denis Larghero, please don't cut the Cedre Imperial Meudon

Imperial Cedar / Cèdre Impérial
200 - 300 years old ... planted between 1734 - 1800
Famous Tree in Meudon, 6.6 km from the Eiffel Tower
"Remarkable Tree" in the Hauts de Seine near Paris
Inspiration for Empress Eugénie
Fairytale for the Romanov Children in Russia
Luck Bringer for Coco Chanel
WW2 Resistance Symbol with Joe Kennedy Jr & Aimée de Heeren
Icon of the Phone Book of the World

Currently in danger due to real estate promotion

online petition to save the tree

pétition contre l'abattement

abusif d'un arbre remarquable

The Cèdre Impérial is in danger

The Cedre Imperial is in danger
to be cut for real estate promotion.
Denis Larghero, the mayor of Meudon
is pushed to fill up the beautiful town of Meudon with buildings
and to relace the historic Cedre Imperial by one of them

The project a new municipal building

projet construction 11 rue de la République à Meudon
The grounds of 11-15 rue de la Republique 92190 Meudon
are owned by the city of Meudon (Maire Denis Larghero).

Unfortunately Coco Chanel that wanted
to buy the property in the late 1960s
to make a Chanel Museum did not realise her idea.
The Cedre Imperial would have been protected
and could live for centuries.

Chanel loved the tree she had know from her boyfriend Dmitri Romanov.
According to legends going back to the Second Empire
the Cedre Imperial Meudon has the power to transmit good energy.
Chanel went to see the tree all along her life.

plan 11 rue de la République in Meudon
After cuting the Cèdre Impérial Meudon (red cercle)
the path will be ready for another building
replacing an icon of France by cement / beton.

Childern defending the tree

SOS Cedre Imperial Meudon

While adults in Meudon are slow to react
over a hundred children have painted the Cedre Imperial Meudon.
Denis Larghero, please have a look at all these paintings
and reounce to cut this tree that is an icon of Meudon.

SOS Cedre Imperial Meudon
Since centuries the tree is connected to legends and fairytales.
It also has an ecological impact on the city
beeing a home for birds and cleaning the air and making the city happier.

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Phone Book of the World

& White Pages defending

Cedre Imperial Meudon

Phone Book of the World

1986 / 1997 / 2011 The good energy
from the Cedre Imperial Meudon has helped us to create the
Phone Book of the

The global Directory is now trying
to help the magic tree
to survice real estate promotion ...

Cèdre Impérial Meudon

Cèdre Impérial in MeudonCèdre Impérial in Meudon
2015 Meeting a Lady related to Gustave Eiffel
walking her dog near the Cedre Imperial
resulted in a change of the
P"A"GES Logo
the Eiffel Tower replacing two letters.
The symbol of French technology
is now part of the White Pages of many countries.

online petition to save the tree

pétition contre l'abattement

abusif d'un arbre remarquable

More about the history of the Cedre Imperial Meudon