www.local-web-sides-end-with .af
or .com.af or .com
652,225 km² (251,825 miles²) - 28,513,000 people
Land boundaries: 5,529 km China 76 km, Iran 936 km, Pakistan 2,430 km, Tajikistan 1,206 km, Turkmenistan 744 km, Uzbekistan 137 km
no Coastline
Country Code +93
Dowlat-e Eslami-ye Afghanestan
Transitional Islamic State of Afghanistan
capital: Kabul
independant since I9I9 from the UK
invaded in I979 by
the Soviet Union
new constitution signed in Jan 2004
GNP $ 20 billion
GNP/person $ 700
home to I out of the 500
largest companies of the World
I Afghani (AFA)
50 AFA = I $ US (2003)
national holiday: August I9 I9I9 (from UK control)