Type your research in the input field to search the table (Ministry, Phone Numbers)
Ministry | Phone Number | Photo |
President | +420 224 371 111 | |
Prime Minister | +420 224 002 111 | |
Parliament | +420 257 071 111 | |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs | +420 224 181 111 | |
Ministry of Agriculture | +420 221 811 111 | |
Ministry of Arts & Culture | +420 257 085 111 | |
Ministry of Defence | +420 973 201 111 | |
Ministry of Economy | +420 224 851 111 | |
Ministry of Education | +420 234 811 111 | |
Ministry of Environment | +420 267 121 111 | |
Ministry of Finance | +420 257 041 111 | |
Ministry of Health | +420 224 971 111 | |
Ministry of Law & justice | +420 221 997 111 |