404 or +1
678 or +1
706 or +1
770 or +1 912) 41th
State in the USA - became a state in 1788
local internet code
has not been adopted - only .com
km² (59,44I sq miles) - 7,353,225 people
calling to Georgia
from USA 1
from most Countries
00 1
+1 xxx xxx xxxx
(10 digits
after the country code)
calling from
no area code
the same area
national long distance
national prefix: 1
area code: xxx (always 3 digits)
number: xxx xxxx (always 7 digits)
international calls
international prefix: 011
country code:x or xx or xxx
number: ???
exeption ! Canada
or the Caribbean
(1 --- --- ----)
are also part of the
North American
numbering Plan (NANP)
calling from Georgia to Phone Book
of the World
in France
011 33 1 4221 1111
11 rue des Dechargeurs
75001 Paris
usefull numbers
american operator 411
call the operator from
outside the US
+1 310 555 1212
international operator
(call from inside the US)
1010 2220
? $/person
total ? billion $
home to ?/500 of the
World's largest companies
Brasstown Bald 1,459 m
Atlanta (+I 404)
Atlanta Metro Area (+I 678) - Atlanta Suburbs (+I 770)
Athens (+I 706) - Augusta (+I 706) - Macon (+I 9I2) - Savannah (+I 9I2)
new official flag was adopted on January 30, 2001.
Georgia's previous, controversial flag was based on the Confederate flag, which
was a painful reminder of slavery to many people.
The new flag was designed as a compromise, picturing the older flag in miniature.
On a blue field the Georgia flag showcases the state seal, a ribbon expresses
Georgia's flag history and the words "In God We Trust".
Thirteen stars surrounding the seal denotes Georgia's position as one of the
original thirteen colonies.
On the seal three pillars supporting an arch represent the three branches of
government; legislative, judicial and executive.
A man with sword drawn is defending the Constitution, whose principles are wisdom,
justice and moderation.
The date 1776 represents the signing of the Declaration of Independence.
A ribbon displays the thirteen star U.S. flag (I777-1795),
Georgia's first flag (I879), Georgia's I920-I956 flag, Georgia's I956 flag and
the 50 star U.S. flag.
Adopted January 30, 200I
1956 - 2001
flag of the State of Georgia
designed by John Bel, chaiman of Georgias Democratic party
The flag is divided into two parts.
The right side has the the Battle Flag of
the Confederacy, with 13 stars.
The left side has Georgia's seal on a deep blue ground.
The state seal pictures three pillars (symbolizing the three branches of government
in the USA:
the Legislative, the Executive and the Judicial) under an arch (symbolizing
the Constitution),
the year 1776 (the date of the Declaration of Independence),
and banners reading