(+1 217 or +1 224 or +1 309 or +1 312 or +1 618
or +1 630 or +1 708
or +1 773 or +1 815 or +1 847) 21st
State of the USA - joined the Union in 1818 local internet code .il.us has not been adopted - only .com
km² (57,918 sq miles) - 11,846,000 people
calling to Illinois
from USA 1
from most Countries
00 1
+1 xxx xxx xxxx
(10 digits
after the country code)
calling from
no area code
the same area
national long distance
national prefix: 1
area code: xxx (always 3 digits)
number: xxx xxxx (always 7 digits)
international calls
international prefix: 011
country code:x or xx or xxx
number: ???
exeption ! Canada
or the Caribbean
(1 --- --- ----)
are also part of the
North American
numbering Plan (NANP)
calling from Illinois to Phone Book
of the World
in France
011 33 1 4221 1111
11 rue des Dechargeurs
75001 Paris
usefull numbers
american operator 411
call the operator from
outside the US
+1 310 555 1212
international operator
(call from inside the US)
1010 2220
Alton (+I 6I8) - Aurora (+I 630) - Bloomington (+I 309) - Belleville (+I 6I8) Chicago (+I 3I2 or +I 630 or +I 773)
Evanston (+I 224) - Oak Park (+I 708)
La Salle (+I 8I5) - PARIS (+I 2I7) - Peoria (+I 309)
Schaumburg (+I 847) - Springfield (+I 2I7)
Northshore of Chicago like Winnetka (+I 847)
flag of Illinois
the flag of Illinois has
been redesigned in 1970 by Mrs Sanford Hutchison
the Design is inspired by the State's seal dating from 1868 (and designed by
State secretary Sharon Tyndale)
the Eagle is holding a blue, white and read seal with 13 stripes and 13 stars
representing the 13 original colonies
the banner the eagle is holding shows the words
The eagle is sitting on a rock indication the dates of I8I8 (date when Illinois
joint the US)
and 168 (date when the state seal was deigned)