(+1 701) 39th
State of the USA - joined the Union in 1889
local internet code .nd.us has not been adopted - only .com
km² (70,704 sq miles) - 643,000 people
calling to North Dakota
from USA 1
from most Countries
00 1
+1 701 xxx xxxx
(10 digits
after the country code)
calling from
North Dakota
no area code
the same area
national long distance
national prefix: 1
area code: xxx (always 3 digits)
number: xxx xxxx (always 7 digits)
international calls
international prefix: 011
country code:x or xx or xxx
number: ???
exeption ! Canada
or the Caribbean
(1 --- --- ----)
are also part of the
North American
numbering Plan (NANP)
calling from North Dakota
to Phone Book of the World
in France
011 33 1 4221 1111
11 rue des Dechargeurs
Paris 1er
usefull numbers
american operator 411
call the operator from
outside the US
+1 310 555 1212
international operator
(call from inside the US)
1010 2220