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1) Residential Whitepages
search by Name
search for People in Australia
(Residential Numbers) is a directory edited from Sydney, Australia
The directory is part of Sensis (until 2002 called Pacific Access,
until 1991 called National Directory Services).
The directory publisher is partly owned by Telstra,
the former State owned Telephone Company of Australia.
of Sensis was acquired in 2014
by private investment firm Platinum Equity from Beverly Hills, California.
The name Telstra derives from TELECOM AUSTRALIA,
it's previous name,
a Telecom company which like Australia Post
was controled by PMG (Postmasters General Department).
Today Telstra is a private corporation
and Australias largest Telecom Operator.
Sensis is one of the oldest directory publishers in the World ! 1880 was published the first directory. 1906 the first White Pages came out in Adealide.
In Australia Yellow Pages were initially called Pink Pages.
1994 Sensis was the first publisher in the world to launch
it's directories on the internet. came online first,
soon followed by
The expressions White Pages and Yellow Pages
go back to the late 1880s,
just a few years after Alexander Graham Bell had invented the phone (1876), Thomas Edison the electric light bulb (1879)
and while Gustave Eiffel was working on his Eiffel Tower (1887-1889). The expression White Pages is the International standard
for Residential Telephone Directories.
used in over 120 countries all around the World.
In some countries the registration of the whitepages domain
does not go back to the national phonecompany,
It happened at the Cremerie de Paris, one of the first internet cafes.
The idea was sponsored by Aimee de Heeren a fascinating Lady taking some web lessons ...
Born in Brazil she had once been
a friend of Professor Bell and Thomas Edison.
Bell loved to have some much much younger people among his friends
80 years later she just did the same ...
(see from the Phone to many many Whitepages ... it'a long story)
Hi, ... beautiful TV advertising for WHITE
by DDB Melbourne