www.local-web-sides-end-with.th or .co.th or.com
513,115 km² (198,115 miles²) - 59,401,000 people
Land boundaries: 4,863 km Myanmar 1,800 km, Cambodia 803 km, Laos 1,754 km, Malaysia 506 km
Coastline: 3,219 km
Country Code +66
phone system
local and national
national prefix 0
+ I - 3 digit areacode - or --
+ 6 - 7 digit restnumber - -- -- to
--- --- ---
(all together from 8 to II digits)
(in 2004 Thailand had
6.6 million Land Lines)
mobile prefix: 8I or 82
8 -9 digit restnumber -- -- -- -- to
--- --- ---
(in 2004 Thailand had
26.5 million Mobile Lines)
international prefix 00I
calling from Thailand
to France
Cremerie de Paris,
Pop Up Store hotspot
home of the
Phonebook of the World
00 1 33 1 4221 1111
11 - 15 rue des IIaIIes