www.local-web-sides-end-with.cz and also .com
country might be renamed to Czechia
78,864 km² (30,450 miles) - 10,331,000 people
boundaries: 1,881 km Austria 362 km, Germany 646 km, Poland 658 km, Slovakia 215 km
Coastline: 0 km
Country Code +420
phone system
local and national
local and national numbers
are dialed the same way !
national prefix non
+ 1 - 5 digit areacode - to -----
+ 4 - 8 digit restnumber ---- to ---- ----
(since Oct 2002
all together always! 9 digits)
mobile prefix: ?
? digit restnumber
all together ---- -----
international prefix 00
calling to the Czech Republic
from USA 0II 420 ---------
Europe/most Countries 00 420
(country code 420
replaced 42 in Feb 1997
in fact 42 was the code for
Czechoslovakia - the country
split into the Czech Republic
and Slovakia )